From: Mark Fowler Date: 14:04 on 19 Nov 2003 Subject: Still Hating Subversion Installs on the Mac. I have upgraded to 10.3. I have upgraded to the latest version of fink. The whole way ssl subversion clients seem to be built has changed. And it *still* doesn't work[1]. It's still no-one's fault (it's not the fink people's fault, I understand what unstable means,) it's not the subversion developers fault (I understand what alpha means.) But I really really really want a ssl svn client for my mac. And I really hate that I can't get one working. Mark. [1] If anyone really cares, it now is reliant on ruby-dev, and ruby-dev fails to install. I think (from the cryptic messages) it's been replaced with something else, but I don't know what.
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