From: Mark Fowler Date: 12:25 on 21 Oct 2003 Subject: Galeon Right, I've suffered long enough. Time to hate. I hate the Galeon that's in debian unstable. No idea if this is true of all Galeons. No idea if it's just my machine or not. Though oddly, Camino stable (0.7) does exactly the same thing on my mac. Make of that what you will. This doesn't make me hate it any less. Quite simply, it doesn't work. Every so often it just won't submit forms. It won't work on IMDB. It won't work on pasty. It won't work on RT. I just get the same page back. As if I haven't submitted anything. Blech helped me work out that it's doing something odd with content lengths. (I initially blamed his code on pasty, but it's not that.) Understanding this doesn't make me hate it any less either. It's been like this for a month. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. And annoyingly it's _just_ shy of being so bad I need to switch browsers. So I use it, forget about it, and then all of a sudden I find another site that's not working and I have to go find a computer with a working browser. I don't even think this is anyone's fault. GAH.
From: peter (Peter da Silva) Date: 12:45 on 21 Oct 2003 Subject: Re: Galeon > I don't even think this is anyone's fault. Of course it's someone's fault. Don't be silly, where would we be if we couldn't find people to blame for stuff like this? How about Tim Berners-Lee? Have you blamed him for anything lately? No? Well, here's a perfect opportunity! Or Marc Andreessen. He's always a good villain.
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