From: Mark Fowler Date: 15:33 on 10 Sep 2003 Subject: GNU utils, and lack there of I hate systems that don't have a nice handy collections of GNU utils installed. Quite frankly why anyone would want to ship inferior alternatives is completely beyond me. Look, I'm not asking for world peace, cold fusion, or a working Perl 6 compiler, I just want to get a listing of my files in colour. It's not rocket science! Yes Damnit! I want my directory listings in colour. I want to be able to get a tree of my processes by typing 'ps -faux'. I want to get a tree of my filesystem by typing, 'tree'. How hard can this be? FreeBSD! You suck! You ship with crap versions of these utilities. Apple! You suck more for copying them! Yes, I know I shouldn't be using non-portable options. Bite me. I don't care, I just want it to work. Yes know I can install GNU versions on most systems with one command. But they're not installed by default are they? I'm lazy, and yes, I maintain that this is a virtue. Besides, it's my hate and I'll rant if I want to. GAH!
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